About Teen Quest

Teen Quest is a youth mission reaching a world of teens. We are located at the Teen Quest Ranch in Somerset PA. The founders, Mark and Debbi Witt have dedicated their lives to youth. It was their vision in 1976 that birthed Teen Quest.

3 Stages of Ministry:


Winning teens for Christ


Building students in the faith


Sending them into the world to share the Good News with others

Our History

Today, Teen Quest continues to reach students throughout
the U.S. and beyond.We host camps and
events at the Teen Quest Ranch year-round.We have not strayed from our calling to win students to Christ, equip
them in Christ and send them for Christ through camping, student groups,
ministry teams, and global evangelism.


Teen Quest Founded

It all began in August of 1976, with an immense amount of faith in a big God and a burden to see teens respond to the Gospel. Mark & Debbi Witt were led by God to start a youth mission in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. After sharing with their youth group about where God was leading them, the students quietly, collectively donated $40. Mark and Debbi used this as seed money to begin what today has grown to a worldwide ministry outreach.
Youth rallies, Bible clubs, Bible quizzing, ministry teams, music/drama troupes, special.


Bible Clubs/Rallies

We began city-wide youth rallies in Pittsburgh with 1200 in attendance and 90 students surrendering to Christ at the first one. Top speakers from around the United States challenged students each month to come to Christ, living and serving Him in their everyday lives.
Bible Clubs met in private homes weekly throughout the Pittsburgh Area, offering students a place to grow them in the Word and a place to invite their un-churched friends. Many students who attended the first Teen Quest Bible clubs are now serving the Lord as missionaries, pastors and youth pastors today.



God led Mark to begin a daily five-minute radio program on a 50,000-watt radio station in Pittsburgh geared to parents and grandparents of youth. Families have been helped with practical advice from a biblical perspective.



As a result of this radio ministry, in 1979,  hundreds of teens began attending Teen Quest camps during the summer months.
We utilized the group campsite in Laurel Hill State Park, Somerset County. Hundreds have attended our camps each year, and many have come to know Christ as Savior and Lord.


Mission Outreach

Realizing the need to reach more students on a regular basis throughout the year, Vizion, our drama/music troupe was born in 1989. Students have traveled throughout the region and into foreign countries presenting the gospel with their talent for God.
1990 was the year we began our mission program. Students are challenged by veteran missionaries. They learn about missions by raising their support, being trained in outreach and evangelism. Countries we’ve traveled to include Germany, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Mexico, Poland, England, and China.


Snow Camp

Year-round camps started when we began Snow Camps. High in the Laurel Highlands, students sled, ski, snowboard, but most importantly, hear the Word of God. Each year Snow Camps begin our year of camping programs at the Teen Quest Ranch.


The Teen Quest Ranch

God directed our steps to purchase a 140-acre Ranch in 2001. It’s a tool to reach thousands of American students and international students from foreign lands. Volunteers have helped to build this great facility these past many years. Today, you can visit our ministry headquarters operating from the Teen Quest Ranch in the beautiful Laurel Mountains of Somerset County Pennsylvania.


Teen Quest

Today, Teen Quest continues to reach students throughout
the U.S. and beyond.We host camps and
events at the Teen Quest Ranch year-round.We have not strayed from our calling to win students to Christ, equip
them in Christ and send them for Christ through camping, student groups,
ministry teams, and global evangelism.

What We Are About

Our Vision

To see students throughout the world come to Christ, built up in the faith, and sent out to reach others for Him.

Our Mission

A youth mission assisting churches, communities, and families in winning, equipping, and empowering students for Christ with God’s Word, through camping, student groups, ministry teams, and global evangelism.

Statement of Faith

1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
4. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. We believe that all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are justified on the grounds of His shed blood, and are saved through faith alone apart from human merit and works.
5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Christ, that is, because of our faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are all part of the Body of Christ as written in I Corinthians 12:13.

Core Values

1. Gospel
First and foremost, Teen Quest’s goal is to challenge every person we meet to make a decision to follow Christ. WIN – BUILD – SEND. We want to Win students to Christ, Build them up in the faith, and Send them out to do ministry.
2. Integrity
In everything we do, we want to surpass the normal standards of honesty and integrity. We will be above reproach in our dealings, transactions, and communications.
3. Servanthood
Teen Quest seeks to serve Christ and His body. We will make all efforts to serve our students, churches, parents, and youth leaders. Servanthood is also giving proper leadership when needed.
4. Acceptance
We will model godly love by accepting and respecting those persons who we may not agree. We will follow Jesus’ example and love others.


1. Local Church Oriented
2. Front Door Approach to Evangelism
– Boldly proclaiming Christ
3. Mission Minded
4. Non-Denominational

Meet The Team

Mark & Debbi Witt - Founders & Directors

Jason & Chelsea Witt - Associate Directors

Randy Hatfield Service

Rob Allison Missions

Amber Hixson Head Wrangler

Jimmy Zinkand Recreation Supervisor

Lindsay Kocerka Bookkeeper

Carl Mampay Website

Alexa Witt Church Outreach

Event Calendar